Floor Hockey Schedule

Fall 2023 Floor Hockey 5's - Orleans - Thursday - Recreational

Thursday, September 21

Les big papa forfeited to Goal Diggers.
128 Tile Double Gym (MAIN)
128 Tile Double Gym B (No Longer In Use)
8:00 PM

Thursday, September 28

128 Tile Double Gym (MAIN)
128 Tile Double Gym B (No Longer In Use)
8:00 PM
9:00 PM

Thursday, October 19

Les big papa, The Real Long Shots
8:00 PM
9:00 PM

Thursday, November 2

Blues, Red Puckers
128 Tile Double Gym (MAIN)
8:00 PM
9:00 PM

Thursday, November 23

Ball Hockey Blues (Fall), Goal Diggers, Les big papa, The Real Long Shots
8:00 PM
  Red Puckers [8]
  Blues [13]
9:00 PM
  Red Puckers [10]
  Blues [8]

Thursday, November 30

Red Puckers forfeited to Blues.
Double Headers
Les big papa, The Real Long Shots
128 Tile Double Gym (MAIN)
8:00 PM
9:00 PM

Thursday, December 7

Playoff Semi Final Schedule
Semi-Final Matchups: 1st vs 4th (A), 2nd vs 3rd (B), 5th vs 6th (C). All teams participate in playoff games.
Blues forfeited to Goal Diggers.
7:00 PM
1st v 4th (A)
8:00 PM
2nd v 3rd (B)
9:00 PM
5th v 6th (C)

Thursday, December 14

Playoff Final Schedule
Final Matchups: Winner A vs Winner B - Championship, Loser (B) vs Winner (C) - 3rd Place, Loser (A) vs Loser (C) - 5th Place.
Blues forfeited to The Real Long Shots.
7:00 PM
Championship - Winner A v Winner B
8:00 PM
3rd Place - Loser B v Winner C
9:00 PM
5th Place - Loser A v Loser C